Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Challenge - Bake All Recipes in Cybele Pascal's "Allergen Free Bakers Handbook"

The Book: "The Allergen Free Baker's Handbook" - by Cybele Pascal

The Project: Bake and review all recipes in this cookbook.

The Reasons:

I love to bake!  But beyond that, I am trying to discover whether allergen free baking can be delicious to the point that kids/adults cannot distinguish it from standard baked fare.  I have close to a hundred cookbooks and I do love them but the problem is that when I'm making something I want it to come out great given the cost, time, and energy I'm expanding on it and yet I have not discovered a good site that does what the now famous "Julie/Julia Project" blog by Julie Powell did - really get into these great books to figure out what's amazing, good and so/so.

So as my children are getting older, I have delved into the food preparation overtime having a child with many food allergies.  I have as of lately been told I should go into baking as a career.  I love it but do I love it that much?  Well before I do something more permanent career-wise, I want to test the bounds of my love and dedication.

Food is so personal and simultaneously social.  It unites us in celebration and has the ability to point out those of us that cannot partake because of food allergies, diabetes, and other food related issues.   In my experiences I have met people who were open to new ingredients and others that have refused to try and have looked upon the 'safe' foods with judgment that it just "cannot be good", suspicion about it because it's "not real food!"  And so I am challenged in a way to raise awareness about the 'normalcy' of baking without eggs or milk or gluten or nuts or peanuts.  I want to make it real as it is real to us that manage food allergies on a daily basis.

How will it be evaluated?  The judges of the recipes will be the kids in my neighborhood and in school. Friends and neighbors will also weigh in on the 'debate' of how the recipes are!  Why kids?  Because they don't lie about food and if a recipe is great they'll rave about it or otherwise.

Timeframe: Unknown - Tentative Finish Goal April 1, 2011!

So I hope this may be helpful to you as a bystander so you can zero in on just the right recipe for brownies, cookies, cake and bread.

And we are off!  Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. This idea is fabulous. I look forward to reading all about your discoveries and using them to cook new things for our food-allergic son.

    Good luck, Danuta! :)

    -Shelly, Emmet & Mark
